Some parts of this post may feel a bit “woo woo,” but I’ve personally seen how shifting my mindset has transformed my life, and I hope you’ll be open to seeing how it can change yours, too. If you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, or like everything is going wrong, I’d recommend picking up The Secret by Rhonda Byrne—or simply reading on. Implementing these mindset shifts can truly create new paths for you.
For those unfamiliar, The Secret dives into the law of attraction, a concept that our thoughts are powerful forces shaping our reality. According to this idea, our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can attract positive or negative outcomes into our lives—whether related to love, career, health, or personal growth. In other words, the way you think and feel each day can shape what comes back into your life. If you’re constantly focused on negative narratives about your life, that’s what will likely keep showing up.
Consider someone who seems to effortlessly attract “luck” or opportunities. If you know them personally, think about how they talk to others and themselves. Are they generally positive or negative? Do they find silver linings in tough situations, or let setbacks define them? Chances are, they’re probably positive—sometimes, even annoyingly so—and it’s their mindset that allows these opportunities and this sense of “luck” to keep flowing their way.
Here’s another example of the law of attraction in action. Have you ever woken up and immediately thought, “Today’s going to be a bad day”? Suddenly, everything seems to go wrong—you’re running late because your dog got sick, which leads to spilling your coffee, forcing you to change clothes. As you rush, you stub your toe, and it all confirms, “Yes, today is definitely going to be bad.” From there, your day continues in that same negative pattern, with your initial thoughts inviting in more of the same.
How The Secret Pertains to My Life
A few years ago, during the COVID lockdown, I came across the concept of manifestation and the law of attraction. In that period of isolation, I realized I wasn’t living the life I truly wanted. I felt insecure about my body, was drinking more than usual, and was experiencing a lot of highs and lows in friendships and relationships. The moment I read The Secret, I felt a shift in my mindset. I began reflecting on different periods of my life, realizing that my mindset and belief in what was meant for me might have shaped my experiences.
After reading The Secret, I started making intentional changes. I focused on moving my body in ways that felt good, dropping all the fad diets. I began listening to inspiring podcasts and reassessed the relationships in my life, letting go of what no longer served me. But before making these changes, I first shifted my mindset, focusing on the positives and reframing my negative thoughts. I started each morning with a meditation, visualizing the life I wanted, and practiced gratitude to attract more good things into my life. Within a few months, I noticed my clothes felt looser, I felt more inspired than ever, and started attracted meaningful relationships and friendships. Recently, I was feeling a bit off, so I decided to revisit The Secret and wanted to share some key takeaways.
The Law of Attraction: Everything coming into your life is something you are attracting. It’s a result of your thoughts. Whatever is going on in your mind, you are drawing into your life.
Reflect on what has recently gone right in your life and what hasn’t. Consider the kinds of thoughts you had in each of those situations.
Your Life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts.
What were your thoughts like 10 years ago? Five years ago? Even two months ago? Did you envision specific dreams for yourself? Does your life now reflect those dreams? If not, consider what might need to shift in your thinking to bring those visions into reality.
When I was younger, I often pictured myself living in the Carolinas with my sister, even though we lived in Buffalo. Maybe it was all the Nicholas Sparks books I read as a teenager, but something about the Carolinas always felt like home. I envisioned Lauren and I starting a blog or business together, becoming known to a lot of people. I knew I’d move out of state for college, and I wrote down my dream of working in marketing for Nike WHQ after graduation. I even had “make six figures by 25” written down. Back in 2014, I pictured myself working from home long before remote work was common. In my mind, I saw myself in dream jobs.
One vision that has always stuck with me is my sister and I living on the same street, pushing strollers with our kids, walking our golden retrievers, while our husbands read the morning paper and drink coffee. We’d live in beautiful homes, working out together in the mornings. Although that part hasn’t fully manifested yet, I know it’s on its way.
Looking back, I wonder how I was able to imagine this life for myself and see so much of it come to life. The answer has always been in my belief. I didn’t know how, but I trusted that I’d get there. Today, I have goals and visions that seem far-off or even unrealistic, but I know without a doubt that my life will continue to shape into exactly what I envision.
Your current thoughts and feelings are creating your future life. What you think about most or focus on the most will appear as your life.
What do you envision for your future? What do you want to change, and what experiences would you like to see more of in your life? Remember, you have the power to shape your future through the beliefs and thoughts you hold.
Do you dream of living in a mansion? Start by picturing your ideal home, as if you’re already living in it. Browse Zillow for homes you aspire to own, or drive through your dream neighborhood, visualizing yourself in one of those houses.
Want to be debt-free and financially abundant? Release the stress around every penny and every bill. Trust that money will flow into your life, avoid spending on things that divert you from your larger goals, and believe you’ll get that raise at work. Write down your target salary and visualize seeing that number in your offer letter.
Are you looking to lose 20 pounds? Shift from thoughts about how hard it is to lose weight. Imagine yourself wearing your favorite jeans, picture the scale showing your goal number, and feel grateful for all the ways your body supports you. Think about what habits the future version of you has developed to reach that goal and start implementing those habits today.
Do you want to grow as an influencer or expand your social media presence? Let go of self-doubt and the fear of what others might think. Stop focusing on not growing fast enough and instead be grateful for the community you’ve already built. Identify influencers you admire, and picture yourself living a similar lifestyle. Visualize packages arriving at your door, and feel the excitement of opening that first PR package.
The Tangible Steps to Change your Life.
Step 1: Describe the life you envision for yourself, writing it all down in the present tense. Include details of each aspect of your life as if you’re already living it.
Step 2: Fully believe it’s already yours. Have unwavering faith that what you want is already on its way. When you trust that your desires are already present in your life, the law of attraction starts aligning events, people, and circumstances to make it happen. Let go of fear and doubt about how it will all come together, and keep an open mind to new possibilities.
Step 3: Take inspired action. I’ve added this one from my own personal experience since you can’t just sit on your couch and visualize your life into existence alone. First, get into the right mindset to welcome new opportunities, ideas, and people into your life effortlessly. Then, tune in to your instincts, paying attention to moments that spark excitement or inspiration. Follow these intuitive nudges and take action on what truly energizes you.
Step 4: Feel as if your dreams have already come true. Immerse yourself in the emotions and mindset of already living your dream life. Picture yourself in your new home, at your goal weight, or in your ideal job, and let those feelings take root as if it’s your current reality.
If what I’ve shared hasn’t quite resonated yet, I’d like to tell you about a recent experience that reminded me just how powerful a shift in mindset can be.
Over the past few months, I found myself constantly stressed and frequently complaining about my job. Each morning, I’d log on with a feeling of angst, anticipating what might go wrong, and venting about it became routine dinner conversation. After revisiting The Secret, I decided to apply its principles to see if they could help me feel differently about work. I started each day thinking, “Today will be a great day, and everything will fall into place as it should.” I let go of the Monday morning dread, embraced gratitude for having a job most people would dream of having, and decided to tackle each task as it came.
Just two days later, I was unexpectedly recognized in a large company forum with hundreds of colleagues for being the type of teammate everyone wants to work with—a “preferred partner.” My ability to handle complex, constantly changing tasks while maintaining a positive attitude was highlighted. This acknowledgment felt like more than coincidence; it felt like a tangible result of my mindset shift.
The truth is, you have the power to create the life you dream of, as long as you believe you can. Let go of doubt, think big, and trust that what’s meant for you will find its way into your life at exactly the right time.
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