As the year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on all that we’ve accomplished and the lessons this year has taught us. There have been many, but these ones really stand out:
Stop talking about it and take action.
This is a reminder we’ve had to give ourselves over and over. The blog has been one of our biggest tests of this. For the last few years, “Launch the blog” sat at the top of our goals list, untouched. We thought about it constantly but always found excuses for why we weren’t making it happen. We told ourselves we weren’t ready or that the timing wasn’t right. All excuses, holding us back from doing something we really wanted.
This year, we finally took action. We set a launch date, booked a photography session (so we couldn’t use the excuse of not having pictures to fill it), and spent evenings after work building and creating the blog you see today. After we launched it, we realized that we let the fear of failure and what others might think stand in the way of what we wanted. Once we finally took action, that goal of ours transpired.
Take this lesson from us: if there’s something you’ve been dreaming about, start taking small steps toward it. Whether it’s posting on TikTok, maybe moving to a new city, or getting in shape to feel more confident—don’t let fear or overthinking hold you back. Take action, even if it’s just one small step at a time. You’ll be amazed at how those steps add up and begin to shape your dream into reality.
Remember: a goal without action is just a dream. A goal with inspired action transforms into that dream.
Timing is everything.
Have you ever wanted something so badly that it felt like it was never going to happen? Maybe it’s that promotion you’ve been working toward, or perhaps you’re wondering when you’ll meet your significant other. You’re trying to be patient, but can’t help but get frustrated as you question when it will finally happen. The truth is, the timing might not be right yet, and something even better could be waiting for you down the road.
Sometimes, the wait feels so long because we live in a world full of instant gratification. We want results, answers, and outcomes right now. But timing often has a way of working behind the scenes, aligning pieces in ways we can’t see yet. That promotion might be delayed because the perfect role—one that aligns more closely with your strengths and ambitions—is just around the corner. Or perhaps the relationship you’re wishing for hasn’t materialized yet because you’re still growing into the person you need to be to attract the right partner.
What’s important to remember is that delays don’t mean denial. The path to what you want may not be straightforward, but it’s often preparing you in ways you don’t realize. Use this time to focus on personal growth and embrace the opportunities already in front of you. When the timing finally aligns, you’ll be better equipped to appreciate and make the most of what you’ve been waiting for. Trust that the universe has a way of delivering what’s meant for you when the time is right.
You’re on your own journey. Stop comparing yours to others
This lesson ties closely to the last, but it deserves its own moment. It’s something we all need to remind ourselves of again and again. Even the most confident people occasionally let comparison creep in. It’s easy to look around and wonder why you’re at one point in your life while someone else seems further ahead. Take Amanda and me for example. We’re identical twin sisters who both were raised by the same parents, went to the same colleges, pursed the same majors, and we still have been put on different paths, resulting in different lives today.
When you focus your energy on someone else’s path instead of your own, you’re putting out the wrong energy to receive what’s meant for you.
We each have our own timeline, and our paths are designed to unfold at the right pace. It’s easy to compare and ask, “Should I have bought a house by now? Should I be married by now?” But no two journeys are identical.
Where you are is where you’re meant to be. Trust your path.
Don’t sweat the small stuff—because it’s just that: small stuff.
This is a lesson I owe entirely to my boyfriend, who learned it from his dad. It’s simple but powerful: Don’t sweat the small stuff. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of letting little things get under my skin. I stress over scenarios that haven’t even happened yet, imagining the worst outcomes. Sometimes, I let frustrations from my workday spill into my evenings, putting myself—and those around me—in a bad mood.
This year, I’ve really tried to not let the small stuff ruin my day. It’s a work in progress, but I’ve noticed a huge difference. When I let go of the little things, I feel lighter and more at peace at the end of the day. I like to think in this way, is this something that’s going to matter next month or even next week? If the answers no, I let it go.
Because, at the end of the day, most of it really is just small stuff.
Be more present and make time for those who matter most.
I wanted to end this post with a lesson that grows more important with each passing year: Make time and put in the effort for the people closest to you.
As we get older, life only seems to get busier. Between careers, responsibilities, and the day-to-day, quality time with friends and family can feel like it’s slipping further and further away. Some of my best friends and family live hundreds of miles away, and seeing them now requires effort, planning, and intention. Even though it may not be as easy as when we were just minutes away from each other, I look forward to the trips where I visit them, leaving feeling so fulfilled.
Being present doesn’t just mean showing up physically; it means truly being there. Put down your phone, pause the distractions, and fully be present with those around you. It’s easy to fall into the trap of saying, “I’ll call them tomorrow,” or “I’ll visit when life slows down,” but tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, and life rarely slows down on its own.
Get creative about how you can stay connected and make time for those you care about. Maybe you have a work trip planned near a friend’s city—can you find time to meet them for dinner? Maybe there’s cheap flights you can find for a quick weekend getaway to visit your friends or family. Small gestures, even a quick phone call to catch-up, can go a long way.
At the end of the day, it’s not the meetings or to-do lists we’ll remember most—it’s the time spent with the people who mean the most to us. Life is short, and time is precious. Make sure the people who matter most know they’re a priority in your life.
This year has been filled with lessons, growth, and moments that pushed us outside our comfort zones. As we reflect, we encourage you to do the same before the year ends because I’m sure there were many of them! We can’t thank you enough for continuing to support us and we’re wishing you all a very Happy Holidays!
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